JOIN the NAASF Community!

Three easy ways to join NAASF/renew your membership:

Join online -- it's quick and easy!

Send a check to:  NAASF, 357 Commerce Drive, Unit 320955, Fairfield, CT 06825

Have us call you!  Email, tell us a convenient date/time/phone number to use, and we'll call you to process your membership directly.


All "flat fee" membership tiers include our core benefits: advocacy, full Discussion Forum access, NAASF Newswire, and more. 
We’re committed to supporting your unique business needs and your success. 

(Note: Member dues are no longer "per store")

NOTE: For multiple partnerships - Full member benefits for tier selected will be available to first partner listed; additional partners on the same agreement may join at any level to gain access to the NAASF Discussion Forum (and any other benefits listed in the tier they choose).

Three easy ways to join NAASF/renew your membership:

  1. Join online -- it's quick and easy!
  2. Send a check to:  NAASF, 357 Commerce Drive, Unit 320955, Fairfield, CT 06825
  3. Have us call you!  Email, tell us a convenient date/time/phone number to use, and we'll call you to process your membership directly.
Not sure of your membership status?  Contact us:


NAASF is the independent, representative voice of Subway® Franchisees, focusing on:
 ~ Providing solutions
~ Enhancing communications
~ Maximizing profits and value in your investment in Team Subway

Community. Advocacy. Knowledge.

As a NAASF Member, you gain access to a valuable network of peers, actionable education specific to our system and your unique business needs, and resources to support your business—while we advocate for your best interests and get results. 

Our membership is based on building community, advocating for your needs, and sharing knowledge that makes a difference for you and your bottom line.


NAASF Protects Your Interests.


We apply our experience and access to protect your interests. Your dues contribute to our shared success.

Check out our recent action items:

       Created and issued a letter to the FTC regarding restaurant technology fee assessment by Doctor’s Associates, LLC (DAL)

       Worked with NAASF general counsel regarding Subway’s mandated discount policy

       Voiced opposition to remodel policies that don’t make financial/timing sense based on lease status

       Issued an Action Alert regarding the Visa/Mastercard class action settlement (with instructions on how to apply)

       Wrote and issued a letter to DAL for NAASF’s inclusion in 2024 FDD as the official association of Subway franchisees


Position Papers

Our position papers drive results and focus on issues that matter to you.

Dive into samples of our work over the years.

       Response to FTC's Request for Information / Public Comment

       NAASF Invitation to Subway to Coordinate Best Practices to Complete Store Remodels

       Letter to FWH regarding Slicer Questions

       Letter to FWH Regarding Concerns re Melt Launch

       Letter to FWH re: Commissions / TPD

       And many more!


NAASF Knowledge Series

We keep you updated on the latest topics that impact your day-to-day business operations and help you grow.

Top Knowledge Series topics include:

       Leasing Best Practices: LOI, Lease Negotiations and Execution

       Subway’s Lease Rider—What You Need to Know

       The Coupon Conundrum - Do They Make Sense for Me?

       Hours of Operation: Waivers, Appeals, and Your Questions Answered

       Know Your Rights (Franchise Agreement Analysis)

       And many more!


Our NAASF Franchisee Discussion Forum

Connect with other Subway franchise owners 24/7/265! The NAASF community shares best practices and more in our welcoming, active online forum.  We also offer our very own SubTrader (similar to eBay) where Members can buy, sell and trade items.


NAASF Newswire, Webinars, Discounts, and More! 

Join Today! 

Click above to join NAASF or renew today
Email NAASF at
Call us (toll free) at 866.590.9865